Services Offered IN Austin TX

Welcome to Discover Chiropractic in Austin, TX. We are here to help you find relief from pain and physical rehabilitation through chiropractic adjustments. Our Austin TX chiropractor specializes in helping people suffering from chronic pain or those that experienced an injury or accident. With our experienced staff and modern facility, we provide chiropractic care that is highly effective for relieving pain and restoring movement.
Spinal Manipulation and Adjustment in Austin TX
Our chiropractor at Discover Chiropractic is an expert at spinal manipulation and adjustment. Spinal manipulation is a chiropractic technique to restore proper alignment and joint movement, which can help reduce pain and improve function. Our chiropractor uses gentle, precise methods to resolve spinal misalignments that may cause or contribute to physical issues.
Corrective Treatment
Corrective treatment is a vital chiropractic technique for chiropractic care in Austin, TX. It includes chiropractic adjustments of the spine and joints to restore proper alignment, mobility, posture, and balance within the musculoskeletal system. This balance reduces pain, improves flexibility, and increases range of motion. However, corrective care is not only helpful to those already in pain. By correcting alignment, adjustments can also help to prevent future injuries by strengthening the muscles that support the spine and extremities.
Pain Management
Chiropractic care is an excellent option for pain management in Austin, TX. Through chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors provide natural and effective alternatives to traditional pain medications. Chiropractic care is often used for pain management and physical rehabilitation after an injury or surgery. Oftentimes though, chiropractic care can prevent the need for pain medications, surgery, or other more invasive treatments. In addition, a chiropractor relieves discomfort associated with muscle and joint pain, headaches, neck and back pain, sciatica, and numerous other physical issues.
Contact Us Today
If you are in the Austin, TX, area and looking for chiropractic care to help you with pain management, physical rehabilitation, or to maintain peak physical performance, look no further than Discover Chiropractic. Our chiropractic adjustments will provide lasting relief and help your body to function better than before. Contact us at (512) 288-7000 to schedule your appointment!
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Decompression Patients by Appointment Only
Discover Chiropractic
4544 S Lamar Blvd, Bldg 700 #750
Austin, TX 78745
P: (512) 288-7000
F: (866) 212-5513